Book onlineRue des Glacis-de-Rive 15 - 1207 Geneva +41 22 840 00 48
+41 22 840 00 48
Our schedules
Mon.Wed.Thu.Fri 9:30-7:30 Tue.Sat 10:45-7:30

Our courses in Vini Yoga

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Our courses in Vini Yoga

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The courses are aimed at beginners and confirmed. We also offer a permanent meditation room, which, apart from ders courses, remains free to access at all times for our members.

The Viniyoga is not a particular style of yoga. He understands all forms of yoga. It originated from the teaching of Krishnamacharya in the years 70-80. It was his son, T.K.V. Desikachar, who developed this method in Madras (Chennai) in southern India. To convey yoga with humility, according to the needs and respect of the pupil is in accordance with the discipline of Desikachar. It is on this path that I wish to continue my teaching...

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Hours Yoga Classes

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Book your Yoga class

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[tm_pb_contact_field field_id="Name" field_title="Last Name, First Name: " field_type="input" select_multiple="on" select_first_blank="on" required_mark="off" show_label="on" field_width="col-md-12″ form_field_font_select="default" form_field_font="||||" use_border_color="off" border_style="solid" field_background_color="#ddccaf"]

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