Your body has an extraordinary self-regenerative power. Acupuncture supports the body's defences. It helps it to cope with illnesses and external aggressions and gives it the extra boost it needs to get better.
Thus, acupuncture aims to regulate any imbalance, pain, dysfunction of the body, by placing them in the global framework and life history of the patient.
Therefore, the vision of acupuncture is not limited to the organs and structures of the body. It is a holistic body-mind vision, complementary to health because it also acts on the mind.
The effectiveness of acupuncture is proven by thousands of scientific and medical studies in many areas of health (acupuncture versus placebo). It can often offer a solution to a functional problem of the body, complementary to conventional medicine. Notable benefits include the following:
Please find below a comprehensive literature base on the subject.
The Acupuncture Evidence Centre lists all the evidence on acupuncture. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses as well as national and international clinical practice guidelines dealing with acupuncture are systematically included. The evidence is updated on an ongoing basis.
Initial consultation history + acupuncture or Chinese pharmacopoeia prescription
00 - 170.-
Package 4 consultations
40 min - 520.-
Individual consultation (excluding fixed price)
40 min - 140.-
Registered Therapist ASCA - RME - Reimbursement by most supplementary insurance companies. You can contact your insurance company for confirmation of reimbursement (or other wording).