Dr. Chang will establish your health and energy balance through questions about your symptoms, habits and emotions. She will conduct a physical examination, through palpation of your pulse (Chinese pulse), palpation of painful points, as well as examination of your tongue. This information will allow her to determine if the balance between the energies (correct and perverse) is respected and if not, a diagnosis will be made and a treatment plan will be proposed.
It is normal to feel tired or relaxed after an acupuncture session. It is advisable to drink hot drinks and rest properly. Slight bleeding may occur once the needles are removed. You can simply press it down to stop the bleeding. If there is a blood stasis, it will be absorbed automatically after 5 to 7 days without special treatment. On acupuncture points, there may be a feeling of swelling, heaviness, local cramp, like after a sports session. This is a normal phenomenon that usually disappears automatically after 2 to 3 days. After an acupuncture session, do not swim or touch contaminated water for two hours.