Book onlineRue des Glacis-de-Rive 15 - 1207 Geneva +41 22 840 00 48
+41 22 840 00 48
Our schedules
Mon.Wed.Thu.Fri 9:30-7:30 Tue.Sat 10:45-7:30

Our Power Yoga classes

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Our Power Yoga classes

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The courses are aimed at beginners and confirmed. We also offer a permanent meditation room, which, apart from ders courses, remains free to access at all times for our members.

The Power Yoga is an American interpretation of the Ashtanga Yoga, an exercise system taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore/india. The Power yoga is oriented on the instructions of the Ashtanga yoga, but also takes into account the knowledge of modern sports Medicine. thus, certain postures or unfoldings are modified to adapt them to large groups of western populations and to be able to teach them in different degrees of Difficulty. The sessions of Power Yoga Include a dynamic warm-up and restorative yoga Postures. Active stretching and strengthening of all body muscles are performed standing, sitting and lying in a dynamic, fluid, and energetic Manner. Relaxation is offered at the end of the Course.

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Hours Yoga Classes

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Book your Yoga class

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