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Relaxing massages in Geneva: which massage to choose?

Which relaxing massage to choose?

Have you ever felt tired, tense, stressed or lacking in energy? Or do you simply feel like taking some time out to look after your body and mind? Then now's the perfect time to treat yourself to a relaxing massage, the perfect way to regain harmony and serenity! But with so much to choose from, it can be hard to find the technique that's right for you. So how do you choose the relaxing massage in Geneva that's right for you? We'll help you make sense of all the different types of massage so that you can choose the well-being solution best suited to your current needs.

Relaxing massages: starting from your needs

Before making your choice, you should first consider several criteria to determine which massage will be best for your body and mind:

What intensity of massage do you want? Would you prefer gentle pressure or more vigorous and tonic gestures?
How much manipulation? Do you prefer that the therapist performs a lot of manipulations or that the treatment takes place with a reduced number of gestures but just as effective?
What products are used during your relaxing massage? With oil or without oil? How much time would you like to spend on it? 30min, 1h00, 1h30, 2h00?

Of course, before deciding on a particular type of relaxing massage, you should consider all these criteria according to your specific needs at the time. Would you like to release your tensions? Fight against fatigue or stress? Channel your emotions or recharge your energy? Rebalance your body? For each need, there is an adapted relaxing massage.

Relieving tension on your body

To relieve and prevent pain associated with muscle tension, most often in the back, shoulders and neck, but which can also extend to other muscles, there's nothing like a relaxing massage. By focusing on the areas where the pain is felt or by working holistically to find the origin of the pain, these techniques will allow you to release all the accumulated tension and regain your body's full range of motion.

Relaxing massage with essential oils

The relaxing Thai massage with aromatic oils

Intensity : +/ ++/+++ handling: ++   oil: yes   duration : 1h / 1h30

With an intensity that can be modulated according to your needs and the tensions present in your body, this massage combines fluid movements and deep pressure, tapping and friction on the most tense muscles. Massage with aromatic oils is a relaxing combination, combining the properties of aromatic oils with the effectiveness of traditional Thai massage, which consists of a body manipulation during which the therapist helps rebalance your energies and your body in order to treat ailments attributed to poor circulation of energy flows, which is often the cause of many tensions. Relaxation and relaxation guaranteed!

Personalized therapeutic massage therapy

Intensity : +/ ++/+++  handling: ++  oil: at your choice   duration : 1h / 1h30 / 2h

In a discussion with your therapist, you will decide whether you wish to opt for a complete or targeted therapeutic massage, depending on the areas of the body that are causing you discomfort. The relaxing massage will then include different movements of varying intensity, such as effleurage, sliding pressure, kneading, vibration and may combine several techniques from different therapies. Working on areas of blockage, pain or discomfort, the therapist will fully personalize the massage according to your needs to remove the knots accumulated in your body to relieve you of all those tensions that can hinder you in your daily life.

Fight fatigue and reduce stress

These days, our bodies and minds are increasingly put to the test: long days, poor posture, mental overload and numerous demands have a negative impact on our equilibrium. This can lead to fatigue, whether physical (linked to the body), nervous (linked to lack of sleep) or mental (linked to stress and anxiety). To rediscover your inner harmony and a more restful sleep, let yourself be tempted by the following massage !

Thai Back and Foot Massage

Traditional Thai massage

Intensity : ++ / +++ handling : +++ oil no   duration 1h / 1h30

Traditional Thai massage can help you restore balance and bring you more serenity in your daily life. In the pure tradition of this ancestral art, this massage is very complete and works the body as a whole. In practice, the therapist uses pressure, stretching and light touches to deeply relax and tone the muscles, relieving your fatigue and providing you with a moment of deep relaxation.

Thai back and foot massage.

Intensity : +/++/+++   handling : +/++   oil yes    duration 1h / 1h30

This relaxing Thai massage is practiced with aromatic oil to deeply relax the muscles, pressing on specific points of the back, shoulders and neck, with pressure of varying intensity, according to your needs. Then, the massage of the different parts of the foot participates in the prevention and treatment of certain infections and illnesses. Beyond relieving back, shoulder, neck and head pain, this massage also helps you sleep better and relieve stress. In short, it provides general relaxation and brings many benefits to your body and mind.

Channelling emotions and rebalancing energies

If you need to restore the circulation of energy in your body, or channel your emotions, you're more likely to opt for an energy treatment. In fact, certain everyday events can considerably alter this energy and give rise to aches and pains or certain psychosomatic disorders. massage can help you find your way back to greater serenity.

Relaxing massage : Shiatsu

Intensity : ++  handling : ++  oil no  duration : 1h

Shiatsu, a Japanese massage, of "shi" fingers and "atsu" pressure, is traditionally practiced on the floor on natural fibre clothing. It consists of pressure, with varying levels of intensity, on the thumbs and hands, but also sometimes on the elbows, feet and knees on precise paths and points on the meridians where the "chi" circulates in order to rebalance the energy. Thus, this massage treats both physical and psychological pain. Shiatsu, by balancing the energy circulating along your meridians, is an excellent means of prevention and provides relaxation and improvement of your health and daily life as well as a general feeling of well-being.

Therapeutic massage with Reiki

Intensity : +  handling + or / oil no  duration 1h / 1h30

Reiki (Rei= channel and Ki= energy of life) is a Japanese manual therapy that brings an extra energy to your body that will naturally go to the areas that cause you discomfort. Reiki acts where you need it, whether it is on a physical, emotional or subtle level. Reiki can also be practiced without a massage as such. Your therapist will place his or her hands on the chakras and devitalized, jostled or tense areas of the body in order to restore a harmonious flow of energy.

Tibetan singing bowls: individual sound massage

Intensity : +   handling : /   oil no    duration 1h / 1h20

If you wish to enjoy a pure moment of relaxation without being manipulated, you will be seduced by sound massage with singing bowls. Indeed, thanks to the sound vibrations emitted close to your body, it helps you find your inner harmony. On a psychological level, a sound massage can reduce stress and anxiety by helping you channel your emotions. At the muscular level, it can release tension, reduce pain and can even be beneficial for the joints. In short, a sound massage can provide you with an experience of deep relaxation, or simply the feeling of letting go.

Rebalance your body with massage

Does your body need to be rebalanced, detoxified? There are effective methods to help your body eliminate toxins, cleanse and purify your body while strengthening your immune system.

Wellness massage: manual lymphatic drainage

Intensity : ++/+++   handling : ++  oil no     duration : 1h

Lymphatic drainage is a specific massage that acts on the circulation of the lymph, a colourless liquid that circulates in the lymphatic vessels and carries proteins, nutrients, toxins and cellular debris. If its circulation is deficient, the body suffers and you feel it. Lymphatic drainage then cleanses the body, restoring optimal circulation, removing stagnant fluids and relieving pain. It is particularly recommended in post-operative treatment, in cases of water retention, oedema, difficult intestinal transit or headaches.

Foot massage: Foot reflexology

Intensity : +/++/+++    handling : +  oil no    duration : 1h

The feet are an area well known to be the center of many points connected to all the organs of the body. Therefore, this massage helps to locate tensions and other dysfunctions and then treat them. Its action is based on the principle of the reflex arch: pressure on a point on the foot creates a nervous message that induces an involuntary and unconscious physiological response on the target organ, thus restoring its balance.

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