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+41 22 840 00 48
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Yoga Femininity Workshop - Winter Moon and Energy - Wednesday 23 February 7.30-10.30pm

Elise offers you a unique formula to explore your Sacred Feminine: a Femininity Yoga evening

Winter Yoga

Winter invites us to go inward, to introspect, to find a warm cocoon, to slow down.

In Energy Yoga, we will therefore, especially during this time of the year, slow down the movement, come inward with awareness, activate this inner look for self-observation.

This season is connected to the Lunar Archetype of the Old Lady, it embodies our inner wisdom. Connecting to this Winter Archetype invites us to rest, to settle down in our most mystical part and it is through her that we connect to our lineage.

This new Winter Workshop will consist of many exercises for letting go and relaxation that will lead us to the inner self. We will then connect to the energy of the pelvis to cleanse the connection to our female lineage. Finally, you will receive a Uterine Care.

I am looking forward to meeting you again and to helping you immerse yourself in this inner sweetness.

Care of the Uterus :

This energetic treatment of the uterus balances the woman's energies already activated within her.
The three centres, mind, heart and pelvis, are worked on in a process of cleansing, balancing and caring for the archetypes that are already activated in women.

The conditions to receive this treatment :
It can be received by all women under the condition, that they have already menstruated, even if they are menopausal today, with or without a uterus.

How does this care manifest itself?
You will be lying down, I do not touch the body, but stay suspended with my hand about 10 cm above the body at the level of the forehead, heart, stomach and feet. I use the Lunar Energy to do the treatment.

This treatment is an introduction to the Womb Blessing.

If women want to reconnect little by little to this energy of the Sacred Feminine within her, or to heal in more detail a problem in relation to the Womb Blessing which will come to work more deeply and globally.

This treatment can also help with the month of integration following the Womb Blessing.


Price: 90 CHF

7:30 pm / 10:30 pm

Mandatory registration
Please reserve your place by message, e-mail or telephone.

☎ 022 840 00 48


Workshop given by Elise Courcelle, an independent partner working at Terre des Sens

Elise Courcelle



The Origins of Yoga Femininity and Archetypes

Yoga is a method to find the Union of Body, Mind and Soul.
Using this path to find yourself as a woman is a matter of course for me.
Yoga Femininity and Archetypes is one of my creations that links several of my abilities.
1. Energy Yoga based on the Energies of the Seasons.
2. Maternity-Women's Yoga connected to the space of the pelvis and the softness within.
3. Miranda Gray's Connection to the Archetypes of the Feminine (see Moon Mother section).
4. Channeling in Chaneling connecting me to the Energy of the people present to heal them.

What is Yoga Femininity and Archetypes?
Femininity and Archetypes Yoga is a Yoga that works on the theme of a Feminine Archetype according to each season.
It is a very gentle yoga that brings you back into the Basin Space to nourish and heal it of all the blockages related to the Feminine.

The Benefits of Yoga Femininity and Archetypes
Reconnecting to the Woman within us is a great need in general.
We live in a very masculine world where we can rarely listen to each other and where more and more performance is demanded, more and more quickly.

Yoga Femininity and Archetypes deals with many topics and contributes to a general wellbeing such as:
Return to the Self in order to cherish who we are.
Free yourself from erroneous beliefs.
Regain confidence.
To make space to welcome Life: Ours as well as that of a future Child.
Untie the Body to welcome our deepest Being, our Inner Child and reconnect with him.
Release the old structures: workings that we can no longer rely on.
Evacuate what comes from our lineages: a way of sorting out to better redefine ourselves.
Fill this Divine Space of the Basin with all the power of Love and Light.

Yoga from the Heart
My desire to help women has only grown as I have progressed along the Path of the Sacred Feminine.
My Discoveries and Understandings have made me aware of our Lunar and Solar side.
These two facets do not exist without each other and must remain balanced.
Thus, I like to explore both these Lunar and Solar aspects in the Femininity and Archetypes Yoga sessions.
When this Balance is present, the Radiance of the Heart is evident and the Woman is fulfilled in all her Feminine Archetypes.
It's great to see this potential emerging!
I look forward to accompanying you in all these Women's Healings.


Biography of Elise 

The body has always been my partner in life, it guides me on my path

Connected to the body through contemporary dance, he was already showing me his expression, his
emotions, abilities, limitations and pace.

When I became a masseuse, I naturally discovered the Energetic Universe that surrounds it.
Yoga has thus become part of my life and contributes to my daily balance. It allows me to
I had to regulate everything that the body had made me experience up to that point.
So I decided to make it a new string to my bow to better transmit this

Yoga has been accompanying me during my pregnancy, helping me to bring two new babies into the world.
lives, my son's and my own as a Mother and a Woman. It is now the World of
Feminine knocking at my door and inviting me to new discoveries.

I then created several Feminine Programs to explore the lunar and solar sides of the body.
Women and Men. These programmes represent a conclusion of all this experience
and professional that I have great pleasure in sharing, so that each and every
can regain its full potential.

Since last year, I have been doing all this in the form of Soirées du Féminin at Terre des Sens.
A moment of Reliance between women that I accompany by Yoga, Meditation and by
the Energetics of the Uterus.

I intervene at Terre des Sens for personalized Therapeutic Massages and Evenings
of Yoga Femininity.

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